COMPASS10 - Scheduling

Multi-constraint finite capacity scheduling and sequencing optimization

Optimize production sequences and resource utilization with Compass10 finite capacity scheduling

Compass10 advanced scheduling creates, in a few seconds, an optimized production schedule which takes into account, at the same time, resource optimization rules and multiple constraints: machine capacity and materials, skills, tools  and  warehouses  availability profiles.

The simulative approach as well as  the interactive  and user friendly graphical tools make it very easy to compare different scenarios and rapidly make the appropriate changes,  using  drag and drop functions, to  achieve the optimal schedule.

Multi-constraint scheduling

Even in the most complex environments, Compass10 generates the production schedule  in a few seconds, under the multi-constraints finite capacity approach,  taking into account at the same time machines, materials, skills, tools and warehouses  availability.


Dynamic sequencing

The advanced scheduling algorithms dynamically generate optimized production sequences, based upon a hierarchical approach which takes into account item characteristics and/or operation tools. Such rules can be configured at single resource level, if necessary, and rely upon multi-dimensional matrixes designed for set-up time optimization. As a result, the consequent reduction in the number and overall downtime for changeover boosts resource productivity.

Interactive graphical interface

Each production schedule can be analyzed using  a wide range of graphical tools, based on  advanced and interactive Gantt diagrams, which guide the planner  through a very streamlined and  seamless  analysis of the specific simulation. Corrective actions and  manual changes  (moving operations among machines, creating new orders, moving  forward or  backward operations,  changing   operation runtime…) can be interactively applied directly to the Gantt charts and the user is able to immediately  evaluate the  effects of such simulations, thus making a  thorough decision  before releasing the schedule to the floor.


Rythm Wheel Production

The RWP approach can be optionally enabled into Compass10 scheduling algorithms. This concept, typical of Lean Manufacturing, perfectly fits into repetitive production context, above all in Make To Stock environments. The basic principle on which RWP is bases upon is the creation of a repetitive and predefined production pattern on each resource, analyzing future demand, machine productivity, and item inventory. This leads to levelled production volumes, constant capacity utilization, learning curve effect due to predictable changeovers and, as a final consequence, to an overall reduction in manufacturing costs.


  • Reduction in the number and overall set-up time impact

  • Increase in service level

  • Increase in inventory turnover and flexibility to adjust to unexpected changes

  • Reduction in WIP and stock of semi-finished items

  • What-if analysis and multiple simulation scenarios

  • Reduction of planner’s manual work

  • RAM-based rapidity

  • Scalable, user-friendly and full-optional

  • Interactive graphical interface

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